Anti-Joke Castiel

Knock knock come in

Knock knock come in  Anti-Joke Castiel

What happens when you breed a Siberian Tiger with a California Condor? Nothing. The tiger does eat the condor though and you are found out by a neighbor and charged with animal neglect, animal cruelty, and possession of two endangered species. You are fi

What happens when you breed a Siberian Tiger with a California Condor?  Nothing. The tiger does eat the condor though and you are found out by a neighbor and charged with animal neglect, animal cruelty, and possession of two endangered species. You are fi  Anti-Joke Castiel

why did the girl throw the clock out the window I suppose the time on the display was in accurate so it needed to be replaced

why did the girl throw the clock out the window I suppose the time on the display was in accurate so it needed to be replaced  Anti-Joke Castiel

I found a liquor store. So I drank it.

I found a liquor
store. So I drank it.  Anti-Joke Castiel

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? The woodchuck's ability to chuck has been left indeterminable. Therefore until the wood chuck's prowess in wood chucking is brought to light we must leave it a variable. Using the

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?   The woodchuck's ability to chuck has been left indeterminable. Therefore until the wood chuck's prowess in wood chucking is brought to light we must leave it a variable. Using the   Anti-Joke Castiel

Internet meme? I don't understand that reference.

Internet meme? I don't understand that reference.  Anti-Joke Castiel

I do not understand that reference

I do not understand that reference   Anti-Joke Castiel

A blind man walks into a bar. and a table. and a chair.

A blind man walks into a bar. and a table. and a chair.  Anti-Joke Castiel

...I don't see any dog anywhere!

 ...I don't see any dog anywhere!  Anti-Joke Castiel

"What's the word, Cas?" It's a shortened version of my name.

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